What should I do if my loved ones want to go downstairs to the park to bask in the sun, but there is no elevator in the old apartment?

What should I do if my loved ones want to go downstairs to the park to bask in the sun, but there is no elevator in the old apartment?

I only go downstairs for follow-up visits 1 to 2 times a month, but no one at home can operate the stair-climbing machine. Can I find someone to operate the service? Are there any restrictions on the size of stairs? Are there subsidies for long-term care?
Pole type stair climbing machine
The two elders take care of each other, so there is no need to worry when going downstairs

Mr. Lu’s daughter goes out to work, and the two elders at home take care of each other. His wife needs monthly medical consultations, but she cannot go downstairs due to mobility issues. After asking about the assistive device center, Mr. Lu was very excited to finally find us because of the stairs in the old apartment. It is narrow, so the dedicated staff mainly uses the pole type to climb the stairs. They also assist in arranging barrier-free connections to the hospital, so that going downstairs for medical treatment is no longer a hassle.

Crawler ladder machine
A temporary outing for the silver-haired elder? no problem!

Ms. Qiu wanted to help her elders sign up for barrier-free travel. This was the first time that the elders had the opportunity to relax and play without barriers. After confirming the stair environment, they found that the platform space was sufficient and the height of the steps met the standards. A dedicated person was provided through a crawler stair climber. The on-site operation service finally allowed the elderly to participate in barrier-free travel together as they wished.

Crawler ladder machine
Weight is no trouble, let love be unburdened

Grandma, who weighs 100 kilograms, is often reluctant to go downstairs in order not to trouble her family. Finally, one day her grandson got married and called for a stair-climbing machine operator service. The stair turning space platform is more than 110 meters, so a crawler-type stair-climbing machine was used to help the elderly person go downstairs. , successfully attended the wedding banquet.

Stair type Accessibility friendly conditions Suggested assistive devices
Straight and turning Platform depth is greater than 110 cm Crawler/crawler-like/strut type climbing machine
Straight and turning Platform depth is greater than 90 cm Crawler/pole type stair climber

Straight and curved, triangular platform or curved stairs

Platform depth is greater than 90 cm Pole type climbing machine

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